How-To's and Strategy Guides
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Briber
With the Briber on your side, you can weasel your way out of anything and fall into a huge pile of gold!
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Briber
With the Briber on your side, you can weasel your way out of anything and fall into a huge pile of gold!
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Graverobber
On the surface level the Graverobber seems simple and plain. However there is much more depth to her when you dig in!
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Graverobber
On the surface level the Graverobber seems simple and plain. However there is much more depth to her when you dig in!
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Miser
The Miser is probably the most misunderstood card. Hopefully we can clear up any confusion about it!
Parley of Pirates Strategy: The Miser
The Miser is probably the most misunderstood card. Hopefully we can clear up any confusion about it!